The anxiolytic results of CBD have shown high potentials to help patients with anxiety. However, clinical reports showing the therapeutic outcome of CBD in patients diagnosed with anxiety are still minimal. You might ask, what exactly are CBD gummies?
CBD gummies are sugary candies infused with CBD (also known as Cannabidiol). CBD is one of the numerous extracts of the hemp plant and doesn’t contain THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol). Gummies are recommended to taste CBD for first-time users since they are simple doses. Moreover, they lack the after-taste characteristic of most cannabis-related products and are non-psychoactive.
There are many different types of anxiety, including PTSD-related anxiety, generalized anxiety, and social anxiety. Thankfully, preliminary results reported by research on Social Anxiety disorders treated using CBD are impressive. Keep reading to learn more about the most effective CBD gummies for anxiety.
How Do CBD Gummies Work for Anxiety?
Most CBD gummies contain additional ingredients to soothe anxiety along with other positive effects. Some of them are chamomile, lemon balm, melatonin and many more. According to this source, CBD gummies can also come in full-spectrum and broad-spectrum types, along with formulas like daytime and nighttime gummies to help with anxiety in different parts of the day. Generally, CBD works by increasing the serotonin level of your body. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter found in the blood that influences sleep, anxiety, mood, and overall behavior.
The CBD content of the gummies has numerous beneficial influences on the human endocannabinoid system. The endocannabinoid system controls several body processes: sleep, mood, appetite, and memory. This complex biological system has three major components: enzymes, receptors, and endocannabinoids. Endocannabinoids regulate internal body functions and are bound to receptors of two types: CB1 and CB2. Finally, the endocannabinoids are further broken down by enzymes.
After break-down by the enzymes, the cannabinoids seek to bond with receptors. However, researchers believe that CBDs somehow influence the receptors instead of directly binding.
What Does the Study Show About CBD and Anxiety?
This extract of cannabis has been proven by research to treat a wide variety of neuropsychiatric disorders. Certain conditions include nausea, epilepsy, chronic pain, psychosis, and anxiety.
Also, clinical research has shown that CBD can produce anxiolytic and analgesic. This can result from its interaction with 5HT1A receptors in the nervous system. Therefore, there is a wide dosage range for CBD usage in therapeutics ranging from 2.85-50mg/kg/day. Also, CBD is a recommended treatment for anxiety, panic, posttraumatic disorder when used acutely.
Clinical studies showing the effect of the therapeutic use of CBD in treating anxiety are still minimal. Hence, you should seek medical advice from your doctor before using CBD against anxiety.
How to Use CBD Gummies for Anxiety?
CBD gummy is a more preferred convenient CBD-intake medium. Another advantage is that CBD gummies lack that unpleasant, weedy after-taste most CBD oils possess. To get the best results, we recommend that you start with a CBD gummy with average or lower potency. A gummy or two a day should be enough while keeping track of your overall body response. In subsequent weeks, you can keep increasing the number of gummies until you notice reduced anxiety symptoms.
How Much CBD Gummies Should I Take for Combat Anxiety?
While there are many suggestions you can find on the web, there is no general dosage prescription available. You should do some personal research on the product you chose to ensure you take the right gummy. While we recommend that you consult your doctor, below are some factors you should consider for a safe outcome.
What is Your Body Weight?
You should consider a very important factor is the efficiency by which your body assimilates certain substances. We advise that you start with smaller doses (say 10mg), increasing gradually as you observe your body response over time.
Bioavailability of the Gummy
Bioavailability is simply the quantity of unused CBD available to be circulated in the bloodstream. Measured in percentage, bioavailability varies for the different forms of CBD. For example, while the bioavailability of vapes amounts to 56%, oils contain a meager 35%. Therefore, CBD gummies containing many fatty acids (preferably hemp oil) are better to get the best results.
How Potent Is the CBD Gummy You Are Taking?
CBD gummy packs come with different CBD potencies and concentrations. You may come across two different packs, with one containing 5mg CBD per gummy and the other 25mg CBD per gummy. Hence, you should know your body’s tolerance level before dosing on CBD-containing edibles.
Are CBD Gummies Safe to Consume?
The Food and Drug Agency (FDA) has no regulation or control over the safety and purity of CBD gummies. Hence, they have no guarantee of CBD’s safety as most of the study models used are animals. Moreover, the FDA warns that some people who used epidolex (almost 100% CBD) suffered mild liver problems.
CBD can alter the effect of Coumadin (AKA warfarin), a blood-clot medicine. Also, CBD can interact with a few other medicines, including opioids, benzodiazepines, antihistamines, antipsychotic antidepressants.
Also, the effects of CBD products on breastfeeding and pregnant women are still yet to be fully known. Although some people believe it might have adverse effects on the fetus or infant, this is not certain.
However, proponents consider it safe since its side effects are minimal and there are no addictive threats. However, some common side-effects you might experience are drowsiness, insomnia, decreased appetite, diarrhea, and dry mouth.
How to Choose the Right CBD Gummies for Anxiety?
Most CBD products (gummies inclusive) are not monitored by FDA. However, factors you should watch out for include: type of CBD, ingredients, test for contaminants, brand reputation. Please check more details for optimal results:
Type of CBD Infusion
If you don’t want to ingest THC, you should be wary of gummies infused with full-spectrum CBD. Instead, CBD isolates infusion is a good pick since their extraction process strips all THC traces. The broad-spectrum, on the other hand, is an option that has the benefits of both types as it is free from THC but contains all the cannabinoids.
You may be concerned about artificial additives, or need to steer off animal products, then read the label thoroughly. Also, we recommend that you go for the best all-natural CBD gummies for anxiety.
Test for Contaminants
To ensure you are buying a third-party-free product, you should check for an updated COA. This is because some gummies may contain contaminants like heavy metals, pesticides, and molds. The COA (Certificate of Authenticity) also makes you know that information written on the label is valid.
The Reputation of the Brand
You should be wary of companies that make wild promises or claims about their products. Google searches can help you find any existing lawsuits. Also, watch out for warning letters from FDA.
Final Thought
Do CBD gummies actually work for anxiety? Anxiety can be treated using CBD gummies, along with several other neurological disorders. Furthermore, since CBD usage in anxiety is still experimental, we advise that you consult your doctor. However, further studies are being done to determine the long-term effects of CBD gummies and related products. Hence, we recommend that you be watchful of your intake.